Further more, local television online platforms did especially well also with 64% of voters responding that they visited the websites of local news stations more frequently for information than social media platforms with only 11%.These statistics contradict a lot of peoples beliefs that digital media platforms are becoming the lead media for advertising strategies. Rather, people first turn to television and then after some initial information is gathered it drives the audience to online content to investigate the initial information further. Digital media platforms are being used to supplement information from the TV. Another positive statistic about local broadcast television in particular, is that it is found to be way more credible and more effective of a way to get a candidates message to the votes. Across all ages, genders and political affiliations 84% of participants said that they believed the local broadcast was the platform that they trusted most for information. This is over double the percentage of respondents that listed social media, which was only 41%.

*News Article: https://www.campaignsandelections.com/campaign-insider/study-local-tv-is-the-biggest-influencer-of-voter-decisions
Wow, thanks for this. I am surprised to learn that broadcast TV is still number one for trusted sources, i thought the internet was taking over. Could this be because television is still heavily trusted by the older age group of voters?